Investigan presunto tiroteo en hospital militar de Maryland, EE.UU.
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Por el momento la policía no ha reportado si hay heridos o víctimas fatales en este incidente.

La policía respondió rápidamente a la emergencia. Foto/Twitter/Lindsey Migliore, DO @DrMigliore
Las autoridades atendieron en las últimas horas una situación de emergencia, donde se precisaba que había un posible tirador activo en un hospital militar en Maryland.
Según la información que publicada en varios medios estadounidenses, el incidente ocurrió en el Walter Reed Medical Center.
El representante demócrata por Maryland Ducth Ruppersberger indicó en su cuenta de Twitter que estaba en el lugar y que se encontraba a salvo junto a unas 40 personas en una sala de conferencias.
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I am currently at Walter Reed Medical in Bethesda where we've been told there is an active shooter. I am currently safe in a conference room w/ approx 40 others. Dutch Ruppersberger (@Call_Me_Dutch) 27 de noviembre de 2018
Rep. Ruppersberger remains sheltered in a back room at Walter Reed. Described mood as calm. Has not been given any additional details but does not believe this to be a drill.Dutch Ruppersberger (@Call_Me_Dutch) 27 de noviembre de 2018
We've been given the all clear at Walter Reed - at no point was there any indication that this was a drill.Dutch Ruppersberger (@Call_Me_Dutch) 27 de noviembre de 2018
Inside Walter Reed right now after the active shooter announcement. Was looking on Twitter for news and it's filled with people questioning the safety of their loved ones. Building 19 in lockdown. Haven't heard any shots. Multiple agencies responding. Hopefully false alarm.— Lindsey Migliore, DO (@DrMigliore) 27 de noviembre de 2018
La base naval de Bethesda dijo que no cree que se trate de un tirador activo pero la emergencia es tomada como si lo fuera para evitar incidentes que lamentar.
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1434, UPDATE: Please be aware that all gates are closed until further notice.
1420, UPDATE: First responders are on scene and initial reports indicate there are no signs of an active shooter. We will continue to post updates as we get information.NSABethesda (@nsabethesda) 27 de noviembre de 2018
1415, 27NOV18: There is a report of an active shooter in the Bldg. 19 basement. If you are on the installation, go to the nearest available vehicle, structure, or building that provides a measure of protection and lockdown. If you are not on the installation, stay away.NSABethesda (@nsabethesda) 27 de noviembre de 2018
1455, UPDATE: Base security has cleared the basement of Bldg. 19, they are in the process of clearing the rest of the building. No indication so far of an active shooter.NSABethesda (@nsabethesda) 27 de noviembre de 2018
1520, UPDATE: The all clear has been given. No active shooter was found. Personnel may now move freely about the base.NSABethesda (@nsabethesda) 27 de noviembre de 2018
En tanto la Policía de Montgomery hizo un reporte de lo ocurrido en su página de twitter presicando que atienden la emergencia.MCP is clearing the scene. All inquiries regarding this incident should be directed to @WRBethesda @nsabethesda .— Montgomery Co Police (@mcpnews) 27 de noviembre de 2018
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